Who are Pageant Productions?

Hello, welcome to our information page! Based in Dorset, we produce video for a diverse range of clients however at the core of Pageant Productions is passion for engaging with and empowering people within our communities whose voices are seldom heard, through the medium of film. Much of our work is done with the voluntary sector organisations, independent groups and the public sector.

What are we filming and who is it for?

We are always filming something somewhere, and you may see us out and about. If we are filming in public places we like to try and keep people informed about what we are doing. This is because people are often interested but also because some people may have a strong objections to appearing on film, all be it incidentally, for some projects. This is often for safeguarding reasons but could also just be a personal preference. We try to accommodate this so and if you wish to talk to us about this when filming, please just approach one of the team, we're very friendly.

Keep up to date!

Keep up to date with what we are doing  and find finished films by following us on social media. We can be found ion Twitter, Instagram & Facebook with the handle: @pageantfilming


Copyright and Usage Rights

Pageant Productions retains the copyright and usage rights to raw footage taken in the course of it's work. We license and assign certain rights to clients for finished edited works.

In line with our GDPR policy, permission to film in private locations is obtained from location owners or their representatives. Permission from participants who feature in a "substantial way" is obtained via GDPR consent form. 

When filming in public spaces where people may feature incidentally we take every effort to make the general public aware that we are filming and why. Where possible, i.e in close filming situations where a person or their actions feature in close shots we offer people the oportunity to object.

How are films used?

Pageant Productions uses footage taken to produce finished edited work for our clients and for us to use to promote our business. Raw footage is kept by Pageant Productions in line with our GDPR and privacy policy.

Typically Finished edited work is published online by both the client and pageant productions and will likely be used on (but not limited to) our website and social media channels, clients websites and social media channels.