How much does a web video cost?
One of the first questions we are often asked, before any requirements are discussed is: "How much does a film cost?" Unfortunately the bespoke nature of our work makes this a difficult question to answer without further discussion. There's a lot that can affect the cost of your film.
We understand that the budget to produce a film will often be tight. We will work with you and discuss your requirements to make sure that you get the most from your money. Although we are unable to provide a standard price list, We have tried to display a rough guide to pricing below, followed by an example. Alternatively, find out how you can spread the cost of filmmaking with Flexi Film.
Simple Post Production
Projects will have been filmed & require simple edits or additions. Typical examples are: adding subtitles, BSL interpretations and graphics to films. Prices depend on what’s required, film length and customer involvement.
Typically £750 - £1,500
Simple Production
This category may involve some simple pre-production planning, one to two days filming and no more than 18 hours post production. In this category, customers will often have a fairly good idea of the film they wish to make
Typically £1,200 - £1,800
Full Production
Often films that fall into this category will involve more detailed planning and will often involve multiple days filming (up to 4 days) over multiple locations. Post production work may be more detailed and include more extensive use of graphics.
Typically £1,800 - £4,000
Large Project
These are projects that; for example, may involve making a series of short films, video evaluations of large projects over a long period of time or more complex 'Full Production' projects that require more manpower and detailed planning time.
Typically £4,000 +
Can you give me an example?
Typical Example | Web video - £2,200:
You are a voluntary sector organisation based in Dorset. You have received funding for a project offering a series of workshops over 6 weeks that helps to develop life skills to a group of adults with learning disabilities. You have been asked to evaluate the project and its outcomes by your funders and you think film would be a great way to do this. You give us a call.
We meet to discuss what you want from the film, discuss ideas and talk about practicalities. You wan't the voices and experiences of those taking part in the project to stand out. We agree the format and method for delivery.
We will produce a proposal for the film and agree it with you. This will not be a detailed storyboard but a rough synopsis of what the film will incorporate and the messages it will convey. In this example we propose to:
We will provide you with a first cut after which we will make any minor revisions.
We will provide you with a final version in the format agreed at the beginning. In most cases this would be for upload to video sharing sites such as YouTube or Vimeo for embedding on your website or sharing on social media. Assistance with this can be provided.